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Asking for Help - A Simple Way to Make Single Parenting Easier

Real Alternatives

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Headquartered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Real Alternatives offers free, compassionate, client-centered counseling to women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. Real Alternatives also provides adoption services, ongoing practical support, and parenting education.

Coping with the needs of a newborn can tax the resources of the most resilient adults, and particularly single parents. Asking for help is something many single mothers shy away from, but it can be essential for their peace of mind and their babies’ well-being.
Experts in family dynamics note that drawing on support from a network of loved ones can be as simple as saying, “The next time you’re grocery shopping, can you pick up some things for me? I’m feeling a little overwhelmed right now.” People are often happy to feel that they are useful, and one simple favor can lighten a new mother’s load of responsibilities in a meaningful way.
Trusted family and friends can also play a valuable role as sounding boards when emotions are running high and frustration mounts. A phone conversation with someone who cares can bring in a much-needed fresh perspective and boost a new mother’s emotional resilience. So don’t hesitate to reach out to people in your life; they may be just waiting to be asked.